Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It joins different metals/alloys, with or without the application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal. The fusion of metal takes place by means of heat. The heat may be generated either from combustion of gases, electric arc, electric resistance or by chemical reaction.
Most of the metals and alloys can be welded by one type of welding process or the other. However, some are easier to weld than others. To compare this ease in welding term ‘weldability’ is often used. The weldability may be defined as property of a metal which indicates the ease with which it can be welded with other similar or dissimilar metals. Weldability of a material depends upon various factors like the metallurgical changes that occur due to welding, changes in hardness in and around the weld, gas evolution and absorption, extent of oxidation, and the effect on cracking tendency of the joint. Plain low carbon steel (C-0.12%) has the best weldability amongst metals.

The terminological elements of welding process used with common welding joints such as base metal, fusion zone, weld face, root face, root opening toe and root are depicted in Fig. 1
Edge preparations
For welding the edges of joining surfaces of metals are prepared first. Different edge preparations may be used for welding butt joints, which are given in Fig 2.

Fig. 1 Terminological elements of welding process

Fig. 2 Butt welding joints edge preparations

Welding joints
Some common welding joints are shown in Fig. 3. Welding joints are of generally of two major kinds namely lap joint and butt joint. The main types are described as under.
  • Lap weld joint
Single-Lap Joint
This joint, made by overlapping the edges of the plate, is not recommended for most work. The single lap has very little resistance to bending. It can be used satisfactorily for joining two cylinders that fit inside one another.
Double-Lap Joint
This is stronger than the single-lap joint but has the disadvantage that it requires twice as much welding.
Tee Fillet Weld
This type of joint, although widely used, should not be employed if an alternative design is possible.
Fig. 3 Types of welding joints
Butt weld joint
Single-Vee Butt Weld

It is used for plates up to 15.8 mm thick. The angle of the vee depends upon the technique being used, the plates being spaced approximately 3.2 mm.
Double-Vee Butt Weld
It is used for plates over 13 mm thick when the welding can be performed on both sides of the plate. The top vee angle is either 60° or 80°, while the bottom angle is 80°, depending on the technique being used.
Welding Positions
As shown in Fig. 4, there are four types of welding positions, which are given as: 
1. Flat or down hand position
2. Horizontal position
3. Vertical position
4. Overhead position
Fig. 4 Kinds of welding positions
Flat or Downhand Welding Position
The flat position or down hand position is one in which the welding is performed from the upper side of the joint and the face of the weld is approximately horizontal. This is the simplest and the most convenient position for welding. Using this technique, excellent welded joints at a fast speed with minimum risk of fatigue to the welders can be obtained.
Horizontal Welding Position
In horizontal position, the plane of the workpiece is vertical and the deposited weld head is horizontal. The metal deposition rate in horizontal welding is next to that achieved in flat or downhand welding position. This position of welding is most commonly used in welding vessels and reservoirs.
Veritical Welding Position
In vertical position, the plane of the workpiece is vertical and the weld is deposited upon a vertical surface. It is difficult to produce satisfactory welds in this position due to the effect of the force of gravity on the molten metal. The welder must constantly control the metal so that it does not run or drop from the weld. Vertical welding may be of two types viz., vertical-up and vertical-down. Vertical-up welding is preferred when strength is the major consideration. The vertical-down welding is used for a sealing operation and for welding sheet metal.
Overhead Welding Position
The overhead position is probably even more difficult to weld than the vertical position. Here the pull of gravity against the molten metal is much greater. The force of the flame against the weld serves to counteract the pull of gravity. In overhead position, the plane of the workpiece is horizontal. But the welding is carried out from the underside. The electrode is held with its welding end upward. It is a good practice to use very short arc and basic coated electrodes for overhead welding.

1. Welding is more economical and is much faster process as compared to other processes (riveting, bolting, casting etc.)
2. Welding, if properly controlled results permanent joints having strength equal or sometimes more than base metal.
3. Large number of metals and alloys both similar and dissimilar can be joined by welding.
4. General welding equipment is not very costly.
5. Portable welding equipments can be easily made available.
6. Welding permits considerable freedom in design.
7. Welding can join welding jobs through spots, as continuous pressure tight seams, end-to-end and in a number of other configurations.
8. Welding can also be mechanized.
1. It results in residual stresses and distortion of the workpieces.
2. Welded joint needs stress relieving and heat treatment.
3. Welding gives out harmful radiations (light), fumes and spatter.
4. Jigs, and fixtures may also be needed to hold and position the parts to be welded
5. Edges preparation of the welding jobs are required before welding
6. Skilled welder is required for production of good welding
7. Heat during welding produces metallurgical changes as the structure of the welded joint is not same as that of the parent metal.

There are different welding, brazing and soldering methods are being used in industries today. There are various ways of classifying the welding and allied processes. Welding processes may also be classified in two categories namely plastic (forge) and fusion. However, the general classification of welding and allied processes is given as under
(A) Welding Processes
1. Oxy-Fuel Gas Welding Processes
     1 Air-acetylene welding
     2 Oxy-acetylene welding
     3 Oxy-hydrogen welding
     4 Pressure gas welding
2. Arc Welding Processes
     1. Carbon Arc Welding
     2. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
     3. Submerged Arc Welding
     4. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
     5. Gas Metal Arc Welding
     6. Plasma Arc Welding
     7. Atomic Hydrogen Welding
     8. Electro-slag Welding
     9. Stud Arc Welding
    10. Electro-gas Welding
3. Resistance Welding
      1. Spot Welding
      2. Seam Welding
      3. Projection Welding
      4. Resistance Butt Welding
      5. Flash Butt Welding
      6. Percussion Welding
      7. High Frequency Resistance Welding
      8. High Frequency Induction Welding
4. Solid-State Welding Processes
      1. Forge Welding
      2. Cold Pressure Welding
      3. Friction Welding
      4. Explosive Welding
      5. Diffusion Welding
      6. Cold Pressure Welding
      7. Thermo-compression Welding
5. Thermit Welding Processes
      1. Thermit Welding
      2. Pressure Thermit Welding
6. Radiant Energy Welding Processes
     1. Laser Welding
     2. Electron Beam Welding
(B) Allied Processes
1. Metal Joining or Metal Depositing Processes
     1. Soldering
     2. Brazing
     3. Braze Welding
     4. Adhesive Bonding
     5. Metal Spraying
     6. Surfacing
2. Thermal Cuting Processes
     1. Gas Cutting
     2. Arc Cutting

A fusion welding process which joins metals, using the heat of combustion of an oxygen /air and fuel gas (i.e. acetylene, hydrogen propane or butane) mixture is usually referred as ‘gas welding’. The intense heat (flame) thus produced melts and fuses together the edges of the parts to be welded, generally with the addition of a filler metal. Operation of gas welding is shown in Fig. 5. The fuel gas generally employed is acetylene. Oxy-acetylene flame is the most versatile and hottest of all the flames produced by the combination of oxygen and other fuel gases. Other gases such as Hydrogen, Propane, Butane, Natural gas etc., may be used for some welding and brazing applications.
Fig. 5 Gas welding operation
Oxy-Acetylent Welding
In this process, acetylene is mixed with oxygen in correct proportions in the welding torch and ignited. The flame resulting at the tip of the torch is sufficiently hot to melt and join the parent metal. The oxy-acetylene flame reaches a temperature of about 3300°C and thus can melt most of the ferrous and non-ferrous metals in common use. A filler metal rod or welding rod is generally added to the molten metal pool to build up the seam slightly for greater strength.
  • Types of Welding Flames
In oxy-acetylene welding, flame is the most important means to control the welding joint and the welding process. The correct type of flame is essential for the production of satisfactory welds. The flame must be of the proper size, shape and condition in order to operate with maximum efficiency. There are three basic types of oxy-acetylene flames.
1. Neutral welding flame (Acetylene and oxygen in equal proportions).
2. Carburizing welding flame or reducing (excess of acetylene).
3. Oxidizing welding flame (excess of oxygen).
The gas welding flames are shown in Fig 6.
Fig. 6 Gas welding flames
  • Neutral Welding Flame
A neutral flame results when approximately equal volumes of oxygen and acetylene are mixed in the welding torch and burnt at the torch tip. The temperature of the neutral flame is of the order of about 5900°F (3260°C). It has a clear, well defined inner cone, indicating that the combustion is complete. The inner cone is light blue in color. It is surrounded by an outer flame envelope, produced by the combination of oxygen in the air and superheated carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases from the inner cone. This envelope is Usually a much darker blue than the inner cone. A neutral flame is named so because it affects no chemical change on the molten metal and, therefore will not oxidize or carburize the metal. The neutral flame is commonly used for the welding of mild steel, stainless steel, cast Iron, copper, and aluminium.
  • Carburising or Reducing Welding Flame
The carburizing or reducing flame has excess of acetylene and can be recognized by acetylene feather, which exists between the inner cone and the outer envelope. The outer flame envelope is longer than that of the neutral flame and is usually much brighter in color. With iron and steel, carburizing flame produces very hard, brittle substance known as iron carbide. A reducing flame may be distinguished from carburizing flame by the fact that a carburizing flame contains more acetylene than a reducing flame. A reducing flame has an approximate temperature of 3038°C. A carburizing-flame is used in the welding of lead and for carburizing (surface hardening) purpose. A reducing flame, on the other hand, does not carburize the metal; rather it ensures the absence of the oxidizing condition. It is used for welding with low alloy steel rods and for welding those metals, (e.g., non-ferrous) that do not tend to absorb carbon. This flame is very well used for welding high carbon steel.
  • Oxidising Welding flame
The oxidizing flame has an excess of oxygen over the acetylene. An oxidizing flame can be recognized by the small cone, which is shorter, much bluer in color and more pointed than that of the neutral flame. The outer flame envelope is much shorter and tends to fan out atthe end. Such a flame makes a loud roaring sound. It is the hottest flame (temperature as high as 6300°F) produced by any oxy-fuel gas source. But the excess oxygen especially at high temperatures tends to combine with many metals to form hard, brittle, low strength oxides. Moreover, an excess of oxygen causes the weld bead and the surrounding area to have a scummy or dirty appearance. For these reasons, an oxidizing flame is of limited use in welding. It is not used in the welding of steel. A slightly oxidizing flame is helpful when welding (i) Copper-base metals (ii) Zinc-base metals and (iii) A few types of ferrous metals such as manganese steel and cast iron. The oxidizing atmosphere in these cases, create a base metal oxide that protects the base metal.

The process, in which an electric arc between an electrode and a workpiece or between two electrodes is utilized to weld base metals, is called an arc welding process. The basic principle of arc welding is shown in Fig 7(a). However the basic elements involved in arc welding process are shown in Fig. 7(b). Most of these processes use some shielding gas while others employ coatings or fluxes to prevent the weld pool from the surrounding atmosphere. The various arc welding processes are:
1. Carbon Arc Welding
2. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
3. Flux Cored Arc Welding
4. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
5. Gas Metal Arc Welding
6. Plasma Arc Welding
7. Atomic Hydrogen Welding
8. Electroslag Welding
9. Stud Arc Welding
10. Electrogas Welding

Fig. 7(a) Principle of arc welding
Fig. 7(b) Arc welding process setup
Arc Welding Equipment
Arc welding equipment, setup and related tools and accessories are shown in Fig. 7.  Few of the important components of arc welding setup are described as under.
1. Arc welding power source
Both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) are used for electric arc welding, each having its particular applications. DC welding supply is usually obtained from generators driven by electric motor or if no electricity is available by internal combustion engines. For AC welding supply, transformers are predominantly used for almost all arc welding where mains electricity supply is available. They have to step down the usual supply voltage (200- 400 volts) to the normal open circuit welding voltage (50-90 volts). The following factors influence the selection of a power source:
1. Type of electrodes to be used and metals to be welded
2. Available power source (AC or DC)
3. Required output
4. Duty cycle
5. Efficiency
6. Initial costs and running costs
7. Available floor space
8. Versatility of equipment

2. Welding cables
Welding cables are required for conduction of current from the power source through the electrode holder, the arc, the workpiece and back to the welding power source. These are insulated copper or aluminium cables.
3. Electrode holder
Electrode holder is used for holding the electrode mannually and conducting current to it. These are usually matched to the size of the lead, which in turn matched to the amperage output of the arc welder. Electrode holders are available in sizes that range from 150 to 500 Amps.
4. Welding Electrodes
An electrode is a piece of wire or a rod of a metal or alloy, with or without coatings. An arc is set up between electrode and workpiece. Welding electrodes are classified into following types-
(1) Consumable Electrodes
(a) Bare Electrodes
(b) Coated Electrodes
(2) Non-consumable Electrodes
(a) Carbon or Graphite Electrodes
(b) Tungsten Electrodes
Consumable electrode is made of different metals and their alloys. The end of this electrode starts melting when arc is struck between the electrode and workpiece. Thus consumable electrode itself acts as a filler metal. Bare electrodes consist of a metal or alloy wire without any flux coating on them. Coated electrodes have flux coating which starts melting as soon as an electric arc is struck. This coating on melting performs many functions like prevention of joint from atmospheric contamination, arc stabilizers etc. Non-consumable electrodes are made up of high melting point materials like carbon, pure tungsten or alloy tungsten etc. These electrodes do not melt away during welding. But practically, the electrode length goes on decreasing with the passage of time, because of oxidation and vaporization of the electrode material during welding. The materials of non consumable electrodes are usually copper coated carbon or graphite, pure tungsten, thoriated or zirconiated tungsten.
5. Hand Screen
Hand screen used for protection of eyes and supervision of weld bead.
6. Chipping hammer
Chipping Hammer is used to remove the slag by striking.
7. Wire brush
Wire brush (Fi. 17.14) is used to clean the surface to be weld.
8. Protective clothing
Operator wears the protective clothing such as apron to keep away the exposure of direct heat to the body.
Carbon Arc Welding
In this process, a pure graphite or baked carbon rod is used as a non-consumable electrode to create an electric arc between it and the workpiece. The electric arc produces heat and weld can be made with or without the addition of filler material. Carbon arc welding may be classified as-
(1) Single electrode arc welding, and
(2) Twin carbon electrode arc welding
In single electrode arc welding, an electric arc is struck between a carbon electrode and the workpiece. Welding may be carried out in air or in an inert atmosphere. Direct current straight polarity (DCSP) is preferred to restrict electrode disintegration and the amount of carbon going into the weld metal. This process is mainly used for providing heat source for brazing, braze welding, soldering and heat treating as well as for repairing iron and steel castings. It is also used for welding of galvanized steel and copper. In twin carbon arc welding the arc struck between two carbon electrodes produces heat and welds the joint. The arc produced between these two electrodes heats the metal to the melting temperature and welds the joint after solidification. The power source used is AC (Alternating Current) to keep the electrodes at the same temperature. Twin-electrode carbon arc welding can be used for welding in any position. This process is mainly used for joining copper alloys to each other or to ferrous metal. It can also be used for welding aluminium, nickel, zinc and lead alloys.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) or Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMAW)
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is a commonly used arc welding process manually carried by welder. It is an arc welding process in which heat for welding is produced through an electric arc set up between a flux coated electrode and the workpiece. The flux coating of electrode decomposes due to arc heat and serves many functions, like weld metal protection, arc stability etc. Inner core of the electrode supply the filler material for making a weld. The basic setup of MMAW is depicted in Fig. 7 (a), (b) and the configuration of weld zone is
shown in Fig. 8. If the parent metal is thick it may be necessary to make two or three passes for completing the weld. A typical multi pass bead in this case is shown in Fig. 9.
1. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) can be carried out in any position with highest weld quality.
2. MMAW is the simplest of all the arc welding processes.
3. This welding process finds innumerable applications, because of the availability of a wide variety of electrodes.
4. Big range of metals and their alloys can be welded easily.
5. The process can be very well employed for hard facing and metal resistance etc.
6. Joints (e.g., between nozzles and shell in a pressure vessel) which because of their position are difficult to be welded by automatic welding machines can be easily accomplished by flux shielded metal arc welding.
7. The MMAW welding equipment is portable and the cost is fairly low
Fig. 8 Arc welding operation
Fig. 9 A typical multi pass bead
1. Due to flux coated electrodes, the chances of slag entrapment and other related defects are more as compared to MIG and TIG welding.
2. Duo to fumes and particles of slag, the arc and metal transfer is not very clear and thus welding control in this process is a bit difficult as compared to MIG welding.
3. Due to limited length of each electrode and brittle flux coating on it, mechanization is difficult.
4. In welding long joints (e.g., in pressure vessels), as one electrode finishes, the weld is to be progressed with the next electrode. Unless properly cared, a defect (like slag inclusion or insufficient penetration) may occur at the place where welding is restarted with the new electrode
5. The process uses stick electrodes and thus it is slower as compared to MIG welding.
1. Today, almost all the commonly employed metals and their alloys can be welded by this process.
2. Shielded metal arc welding is used both as a fabrication process and for maintenance and repair jobs.
3. The process finds applications in
(a) Building and Bridge construction
(b) Automotive and aircraft industry, etc.
(c) Air receiver, tank, boiler and pressure vessel fabrication
(d) Ship building
(e) Pipes and
(f) Penstock joining
Functions of Electrode Coating Ingredients
The covering coating on the core wire consists of many materials which perform a number of functions as listed below:
1. Welding electrodes are used to join various similar and dissimilar metals as plain carbon steels, cast iron, copper, aluminium, magnesium and their alloys, stainless steels and other alloy steels.
2. Slag forming ingredients, like silicates of magnesium, aluminium, sodium, potassium, iron oxide, china clay, mica etc., produce a slag which because of its light weight forms a layer on the molten metal and protects the same from atmospheric contamination.
3. Arc stabilizing constituents like calcium carbonate, potassium silicate, titanates, magnesium silicates, etc.; add to arc stability and ease of striking the same. 
4. Gas shielding ingredients, like cellulose, wood, wood flour, starch, calcium carbonate etc. form a protective gas shield around the electrode end, arc and weld pool.
5. Deoxidizing elements like ferro-manganese, and ferro-silicon, refine the molten metal.
6. It limits spatter, produces a quiet arc and easily removable slag.
7. Alloying elements like ferro alloys of manganese, molybdenum etc., may be added to impart suitable properties and strength to the weld metal and to make good the loss of some of the elements, which vaporize while welding.
8. Iron powder in the coating improves arc behavior, bead appearance helps increase metal deposition rate and arc travel speed.
9. The covering improves penetration and surface finish. 
10. Core wire melts faster than the covering, thus forming a sleeve of the coating which constricts and produces an arc with high concentrated heat.
11. Coating saves the welder from the radiations otherwise emitted from a bare electrode while the current flows through it during welding.
12. Proper coating ingredients produce weld metals resistant to hot and cold cracking. Suitable coating will improve metal deposition rates.
Submerged Arc Welding
Schematic submerged arc welding process is shown in Fig. 10. In this welding process, a consumable bare electrode is used in combination with a flux feeder tube. The arc, end of the  bare electrode and molten pool remain completely submerged under blanket of granular flux. The feed of electrode and tube is automatic and the welding is homogenous in structure. No pressure is applied for welding purposes. This process is used for welding low carbon steel, bronze, nickel and other non-ferrous materials.
Fig. 10 Schematic submerged arc welding process

Gas Tungusten Arc Welding (GTAW) or Tungusten Inert Gas Welding (TIG)
In this process a non-consumable tungsten electrode is used with an envelope of inert shielding gas around it. The shielding gas protects the tungsten electrode and the molten metal weld pool from the atmospheric contamination. The shielding gases generally used are argon, helium or their mixtures. Typical tungsten inert gas welding setup is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11 Tungsten inert gas welding setup
Electrode materials
The electrode material may be tungsten, or tungsten alloy (thoriated tungsten or zirconiated tungsten). Alloy-tungsten electrodes possess higher current carrying capacity, produce a steadier arc as compared to pure tungsten electrodes and high resistance to contamination.
Electric power source
Both AC and DC power source can be used for TIG welding. DC is preferred for welding of copper, copper alloys, nickel and stainless steel whereas DC reverse polarity (DCRP) or AC is used for welding aluminium, magnesium or their alloys. DCRP removes oxide film on magnesium and aluminium.
Inert gases
The following inert gases are generally used in TIG welding:
1. Argon
2. Helium
3. Argon-helium mixtures
4. Argon-hydrogen mixtures
Tig Nozzle
The nozzle or shield size (the diameter of the opening of the shroud around the electrode) to be chosen depends on the shape of the groove to be welded as well as the required gas flow rate. The gas flow rate depends on the position of the weld as well as its size. Too high a gas consumption would give rise to turbulence of the weld metal pool and consequently porous welds. Because of the use of shielding gases, no fluxes are required to be used in inert gas shielded arc welding. However for thicker sections, it may be desirable to protect the root side of the joint by providing a flux. The process is generally used for welding aluminium, magnesium and stainless steel.
Gas Metal ARC Welding (GMAW) or Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG)
Metal inert gas arc welding (MIG) or more appropriately called as gas metal arc welding (GMAW) utilizes a consumable electrode and hence, the term metal appears in the title. There are other gas shielded arc welding processes utilizing the consumable electrodes, such as flux cored arc welding (FCAW) all of which can be termed under MIG. Though gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) can be used to weld all types of metals, it is more suitable for thin sheets. When thicker sheets are to be welded, the filler metal requirement makes GTAW difficult to use. In this situation, the GMAW comes handy. The typical setup for GMAW or MIG welding process is shown in Fig. 12. The consumable electrode is in the form of a wire reel which is fed at a constant rate, through the feed rollers. The welding torch is connected to the gas supply cylinder which provides the necessary inert gas. The electrode and the work-piece are connected to the welding power supply. The power supplies are always of the constant voltage type only. The current from the welding machine is changed by the rate of feeding of the electrode wire. Normally DC arc welding machines are used for GMAW with electrode positive (DCRP). The DCRP increases the metal deposition rate and also provides for a stable arc and smooth electrode metal transfer. With DCSP, the arc becomes highly unstable and also results in a large spatter. But special electrodes having calcium and titanium oxide mixtures as coatings are found to be good for welding steel with DCSP. In the GMAW process, the filler metal is transferred from the electrode to the joint. Depending on the current and voltage used for a given electrode, the metal transfer is done in different ways.
Fig. 12 Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) set up

Defects in welding joints are given in 13 (i-viii)

Fig. 13 Types of welding defects

1. Lack of Penetration 
It is the failure of the filler metal to penetrate into the joint. It is due to
(a) Inadequate de-slagging
(b) Incorrect edge penetration
(c) Incorrect welding technique.
2. Lack of Fusion 
Lack of fusion is the failure of the filler metal to fuse with the parent metal. It is duo to
(a) Too fast a travel
(b) Incorrect welding technique
(c) Insufficient heat
3. Porosity 
It is a group of small holes throughout the weld metal. It is caused by the trapping of gas
during the welding process, due to
(a) Chemicals in the metal
(b) Dampness
(c) Too rapid cooling of the weld.
4. Slag Inclusion 
It is the entrapment of slag or other impurities in the weld. It is caused by
(a) Slag from previous runs not being cleaned away,
(b) Insufficient cleaning and preparation of the base metal before welding commences.
5. Undercuts 
These are grooves or slots along the edges of the weld caused by
(a) Too fast a travel
(b) Bad welding technique
(c) Too great a heat build-up.
6. Cracking 
It is the formation of cracks either in the weld metal or in the parent metal. It is due to
(a) Unsuitable parent metals used in the weld
(b) Bad welding technique.
7. Poor Weld Bead Appearance (Fig. 17.31 (vii))
If the width of weld bead deposited is not uniform or straight, then the weld bead is termed
as poor. It is due to improper arc length, improper welding technique, damaged electrode
coating and poor electrode and earthing connections. It can be reduced by taking into
considerations the above factors.
8. Distortion 
Distortion is due to high cooling rate, small diameter electrode, poor clamping and slow arc
travel speed
9. Overlays
These consist of metal that has flowed on to the parent metal without fusing with it. The defect is due to
(a) Contamination of the surface of the parent metal
(b) Insufficient heat
10. Blowholes
These are large holes in the weld caused by
(a) Gas being trapped, due to moisture.
(b) Contamination of either the filler or parent metals.
11. Burn Through
It is the collapse of the weld pool due to
(a) Too great a heat concentration
(b) Poor edge preparation.
12. Excessive Penetration
It is where the weld metal protrudes through the root of the weld. It is caused by
(a) Incorrect edge preparation
(b) Too big a heat concentration
(c) Too slow a travel.

Soldering is a method of joining similar or dissimilar metals by heating them to a suitable temperature and by means of a filler metal, called solder, having liquidus temperuatre not exceeding 450°C and below the solidus of the base material. Though soldering obtains a good joint between the two plates, the strength of the joint is limited by the strength of the filler metal used.

Basic Operations in Soldering
For making soldered joints, following operations are required to be performed sequentially.
1. Shaping and fitting of metal parts together
Filler metal on heating flows between the closely placed adjacent surfaces due to capillary action, thus, closer the parts the more is solder penetration. This means that the two parts should be shaped to fit closely so that the space between them is extremely small to be filled completely with solder by the capillary action. If a large gap is present, capillary action will not take place and the joint will not be strong.
2. Cleaning of surfaces
This is done to remove dirt, grease or any other foreign material from the surface pieces to be soldered, in order to get a sound joint. If surfaces are not clean, strong atomic bonds will not form.
3. Flux application
Soldering cannot be done without a flux. Even if a metal is clean, it rapidly acquires an oxide film of submicroscopic thickness due to heat and this film insulates the metal from the solder, preventing the surface to get wetted by solder. This film is broken and removed by the flux. The flux is applied when parts are ready for joining.
4. Application of heat and solder
The parts must be held in a vice or with special work holding devices so that they do not move while soldering. The parts being soldered must be heated to solder-melting and solder-alloying temperature before applying the solder for soldering to take place the assembly so that the heat is most effectively transmitted to the being soldered. As soon as the heat is applied, the flux quickly breaks down the oxide film (the insulating
oxide layer barrier between the surface and solder). Now solder is applied which immediately melts and metal to metal contact is established through the medium of molten solder. Finally, the surplus solder is removed and the joint is allowed to cool. Blow torches dipping the parts in molten solder or other methods are also used for soldering.
Solders are alloys of lead and tin. Solder may also contain certain other elements like cadmium, and antimony in small quantities. The percentage composition of tin and lead determines the physical and mechanical properties of the solder and the joint made. Most solder is available in many forms-bar, stick, fill, wire, strip, and so on. It can be obtained in circular or semi-circular rings or any other desired shape. Sometimes the flux is included with the solder. For example, a cored solder wire is a tube of solder filled with flux.
Solder Fluxes
The flux does not constitute a part of the soldered joint. Zinc chloride, ammonium chloride, and hydrochloric acid are the examples of fluxes commonly used in soldering. The function of fluxes in soldering is to remove oxides and other surface compounds from the surfaces to be soldered by displacing or dissolving them. Soldering fluxes may be classified into four groups-
(1) Inorganic fluxes (most active)
(2) Organic fluxes (moderately active)
(3) Rosin fluxes (least active), and
(4) Special fluxes for specific applications

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